Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why I'm Here

It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Everything has changed from my address to my God. Arguably the biggest change of all is my God. Someone once said to me “if you want to know how to relate to someone, find out who they worship.” After 14 years of demonizing everything Christian (ironic considering that’s what “they” love to do huh) I seem to have fallen smack dab in the middle of the lions den, and unlike Daniel (or depending which side your on, much like Daniel), I’m not fighting it. In fact I’m embracing it, and have even become one of those “brainwashing” Sunday school teachers.
In studying the Bible I have discovered it is just about the exact opposite of the man made abomination we are lead to believe is in fact Christianity. What could be wrong with a religion that preaches “above all love one another”(Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31, Romans 13:9) even your enemies (Matthew 5:44) or “judge not and you shall not be judged.” (Luke 6:37, Matthew 7:1) Oh that’s right, you take power hungry humans who warp it into a witch hunt, sometimes literally, and forget all about the plank in their own eyes. (Luke 6:41)
In this past year I’ve spoken to several people who have been shocked, amazed, or often times appalled that I attend a Christian church. Many of these people are searching for a religion that does not persecute them, condemn them, or shun them to a fiery burning pit. This blog is for them. Some are quite curious as to what the Bible really says, this blogs for them. Some are running as fast as they can away from it, this blogs for them too, all are welcome here.
Over the next year I will tell you what I have learned , my personal experience, and my opinion of what the Bible says and what Christianity should be. There will be times when we will agree and I promise to say something that will offend everyone (not at once, but I’m sure everyone will get their turn throughout the year.) I’ll also include others opinions when they oppose mine for arguments sake. If you have suggestions on topics, questions, comments, or wish to send me an angry anti-religious rant feel free to message me. I probably wont know the answer, but I’ll find it. Or don’t send me anything and I’ll just go on and on topics only I find relevant. And of course there’s option C which is to ignore me all together, that’s cool too. I’m the last person who should be writing a blog on religion, which is precisely why I feel I should.
Stay tuned!
Amanda J

1 comment:

  1. I have been going to the same church you have for about a year too. I accepted Christ as my personal savior on May 26 and became baptized on August 22. I still struggle with personal hardships now and then. I never considered myself to be Atheist or non-religious. I always felt there was a higher power out there somewhere but just never interpreted it as the god of the Bible due to "brainwashing" from my old church. I started off Christian for a while, then my perception faltered. Soon after I was in a Catholic church and that is when my perception diminished completely the day I told a priest that the cross above the altar should not have anybody on it. I left religion for many years after that but considered myself Agnostic yet felt I was in total control. I thought I was in control of everything in my life, anything from my relationships to my therapist. In the year 2008 after putting God on the sidelines so many times, I began to lose everything including my own son. I was angry with God, I felt betrayed by God, but most of all I felt as if God abandoned me completely.
    The point of the matter is it took me nearly 28 years to realize I was wrong all along. It was ME who betrayed God, it was ME who abandoned HIM, it was ME who cast Him aside; and for that I have paid my dues. The words that woke me up out of my dark sleep are located in Matthew 11:28-30. "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
    I am so happy that no matter how bad my struggles are, no matter how hard life can get and no matter how much I try and sometimes fail, I will never be alone or unloved.
